Faces In The Crowd

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We have found that once someone eats at Lambert's Cafe, they come back again and tell their friends about us. We have talked to people in neighboring states who have been to Lambert's, as well as people in Las Vegas, NV, Michigan, Maryland, Jamaica, Germany, Australia, and Russia!

Due to the family like atmosphere of Lambert's, we would like to give you the opportunity to show us your Lambert's pride. Got a picture of someone wearing a Lambert's Cafe shirt or displaying something from Lambert's Cafe? It can be from a far-away place or your own backyard. E-mail it to pics@throwedrolls.com and we will post it below to share with our Internet family. (Gif or Jpeg formats are preferred).

Friday, August 22, 2014

I PROMISE, you'll leave happy.

So I have been here several times and have yet to write a review. So what made me decide to write a review now? I had a dream about the Ribs and the Rolls. NO JOKE. This place is a must if you are anywhere in the area. And yes, it is absolute worth the long wait.Whether you come with a party of 2 or a party of 10 I guarantee you will have a blast.This southern home cookin' has options that can satisfy any palate!Tip- if you are an uptight, snooty customer, this is NOT the place for you! I'll tell ya why... Part of the fun atmosphere of this restaurant is that they will pull little pranks on you and your table. (i.e. "Squirt" mustard on you, "spill" a tub full of dishes on you, "spill" a pitcher of iced tea on you...) Hilarious for the first- timers!Another amazing part of the Lambert's dining experience is that they come around with a big mama pot of fixin's and you can have as much as your little heart desires. Fried okra, taters, and soo many others. Mmm.One of the highlights of it all; Lambert's famous thrown rolls.An adorable bread boy comes out of the back yelling "Hot Rolls!" and will literally throw the roll to you. So fun! Hands up, head up if not you'll catch those rolls right in the face (& yes, I speak from experience :)My go to dish is always their ribs with a side of their amazing Mac n cheese and spiced apples. (Currently drooling!)But everything I've seen, smell, or tasted has always been awesome.Another tip- they do not split plates! So come hungry! I PROMISE, you'll leave happy.

- Samatha G.


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