Faces In The Crowd

Send Us Your Pictures!

We have found that once someone eats at Lambert's Cafe, they come back again and tell their friends about us. We have talked to people in neighboring states who have been to Lambert's, as well as people in Las Vegas, NV, Michigan, Maryland, Jamaica, Germany, Australia, and Russia!

Due to the family like atmosphere of Lambert's, we would like to give you the opportunity to show us your Lambert's pride. Got a picture of someone wearing a Lambert's Cafe shirt or displaying something from Lambert's Cafe? It can be from a far-away place or your own backyard. E-mail it to pics@throwedrolls.com and we will post it below to share with our Internet family. (Gif or Jpeg formats are preferred).

Friday, October 23, 2009

I remember my first trip to Lambert's in May of 1982. My parents and I went with some family friends who lived in nearby Bertrand, Missouri. I remember being amazed by the rolls being thrown by Norm. He threw one to me and it hit the window sill! Since then, I have been to the Sikeston location many times. My wife, Jenny, and I took our three and a half month old daughter, Katie, in for a visit. Jenny had never been to Lambert's and she has declared it her favorite place. She was amazed by the fast service and portions of food served. Katie, whom I know will not remember this, had a song played for her by the great Geneva. We requested " Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Needless to say, Katie and I danced while she played. I can't wait when she gets older and starts catching rolls. These are the times to treasure and I will definitely bring them both back. Thank you guys for a wonderful experience.